Accounting 2.2 - e-Invoice: Validation Error - Identification number is not valid BRN - SUPPLIER

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I submit e-Invoice, the status become invalid with e-Invoice error "Validation Error ... Identification number is not valid BRN - SUPPLIER". Why?

Possible Reason:

Your own company BRN was not provided correctly.


Go to Tax > Tax Entity Maintenance, please make sure you input only the New BRN number, do not include Old BRN into the Business Registration Number field.

Example of new BRN: 200601031841
Do not key in as : 200601031841 (751600-A)

If the error shows BRN - BUYER, mean the customer BRN number incorrect.

Remark: Please make sure you have assigned the correct TIN in the company profile.

By: JS 202408

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