AutoCount Accounting 2.0:Singapore Seamless Filing

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Seamless Filing PDE (Prescribed Data Element) version

This is the version table for user to check if their system currently has the latest PDE version.

Year Assessment PDE Version Updated on
YA 2020 v1.0.0 22/10/2020



  • Self-Study training materials
    • What is Singapore Seamless Filing?
    • Requirement for company to submit via Seamless Filing
    • Understand Account Mapping and look at various possibilities

Account Mapping Guide

Mapping Rules

  1. An element of the PDE can map to more than one account.
  2. An account must only map to an element.
  3. Parent (control) account can be mapped to PDE.

What is Related Party

  1. Companies having common director who has control over the company
  2. Companies having common shareholder who has control over the company
  3. Company’s relationship – Holding, Subsi, fellow subsi, Associates, Joint Venture, etc.

Current and Non-Current, Receivables and Payables

AutoCount Singapore Seamless Filing will separate current and non-current of receivables and payables in Financial Statement (XBRL), when the due of the non-current transaction is beyond 12 months from the date of the financial end period.
Therefore, when mapping of Trade Receivables or Trade Payables, the account of debtor or creditor does not require separate account for current and non-current.