Auto Count HRMS - Additional Custom Fields in Allowance & Deduction for EA Form

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Auto Count HRMS - Additional Custom Fields in Allowance & Deduction for EA Form

Additional custom selection fields are now added in Allowance and Deduction for user to choose to be listed in EA Form. This will require the “Pay Tax” option to be selected in allowance and deduction.

Example shown to be listed in EA form is Part B6- Compensation for loss of employment.

Go to Allowance > Add New

1. Enter allowance code and description of your choice.

2. Ensure that “Pay Tax” is checked

3. Select which EA Field this allowance will be displayed to >B6- Compensation for loss of employment.

Complete Payroll Process with the allowance created.

Run payroll closing and check the EA, the Compensation for Loss of Employment allowance of RM 4,000.00 will appear on the EA form on line B6.

This is also applicable for part B1F- Gratuity Amount.

Prepared by ChenOng 240909

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