Programmer:Cash Sale with Payment: Difference between revisions

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Line 2:
# NetTotal must not be negative amount
# Negative Quantity is allowed, if it does not violate the NetTotal rule.
==Columns Specification==
===Master Table===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=5|Columns Table
! Column Name !! Data Type !! Size !! Mandatory !! Remark
| DocNo || string || 20 || Yes || If apply system running number,<br/>do not assign or assign "<<New>>"
| DocDate || DateTime || || Yes || '''Date only, without time'''<br/>Eg. DateTime.Today.Date
| DebtorCode || string || 12 || Yes ||
| Description || string || 100 || No ||
| RefDocNo || string || 20 || No ||
| Remark1 || string || 40 || No ||
| Remark2 || string || 40 || No ||
| Remark3 || string || 40 || No ||
| Remark4 || string || 40 || No ||
| Note || string || Max || No ||
===Detail Table===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=5|Columns Table
! Column Name !! Data Type !! Size !! Mandatory !! Remark
| ItemCode || string || 30 || No || Value must be maintained at Stock > [[Programmer:Stock Item|Item Maintenance]]
| Location || string || 8 || No || Value must be maintained at Stock > Stock Location Maintenance
| BatchNo || string || 20 || No || Value must be maintained at Stock > [[Programmer:Stock Item|Item Maintenance]] > Item Batch<br/>Requires enable "Item Batch No." module,<br/>and Item is controlled by BatchNo.<br/>Default: DBNull.Value
| Description || string || 100 || No ||
| FurtherDescription || string || Max || No ||
===Payment Table===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=5|Columns Table
! Column Name !! Data Type !! Size !! Mandatory !! Remark
| PaymentMethod || string || 20 || No || Value must be maintained in General Maintenance -> Payment Method Maintenance.
| PaymentBy || string || 20 || No ||
| ChequeNo || string || 20 || No ||
| PaymentAmt || decimal || 18,4 || Yes ||
==References of AutoCount Accounting version 1.8, 1.9==
Line 94 ⟶ 154:
==New Cash Sale with Cash Sale PaymentPayments==
1. CASH=
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
public void NewCashSaleWithCash(BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
Line 173 ⟶ 233:
2. Credit Card=
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
public void NewCashSaleWithCreditCard(BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
Line 243 ⟶ 303:
payDtl.ChequeNo = "12XXXX-YYY-ZZZ-1234";
payDtl.PaymentAmt = cardAmt;
if (cs.CashSalePayment.PaymentAmt > 0)
cs.ReferPaymentDocKey = cs.CashSalePayment.DocKey;
3. Multi Payment=
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
class PaymentInfo
public string PaymentMethod { get; set; }
public string ChequeNo { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public void NewCashSaleWithMultiPayments(BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.CashSale.CashSaleCommand cmd =
BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.CashSale.CashSale doc = cmd.AddNew();
BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.CashSale.CashSaleDetail dtl;
List<PaymentInfo> payments = new List<PaymentInfo>();
//doc.DocNo = "CS-00011";
doc.DebtorCode = "300-C001";
doc.DocDate = DateTime.Today.Date;
doc.IsRoundAdj = true;
dtl = doc.AddDetail();
dtl.ItemCode = "FG00001";
dtl.Qty = 1;
dtl.UOM = "UNIT";
dtl.UnitPrice = 50.20M;
dtl.TaxType = "S-10";
dtl = doc.AddDetail();
dtl.ItemCode = "FG00002";
dtl.Qty = 10;
dtl.UOM = "UNIT";
dtl.UnitPrice = 60.20M;
dtl.Discount = "30%";
dtl.TaxType = "S-10";
//Create payments with collection of PaymentInfo
payments.AddRange(new PaymentInfo[] {
new PaymentInfo()
PaymentMethod = "CASH",
Amount = 18M
new PaymentInfo()
PaymentMethod = "MASTER",
ChequeNo = "MB1839232",
Amount = 500.75M
MakeMultiPayments(doc, payments, dbSetting);
BCE.Application.AppMessage.ShowMessage($"{doc.DocNo} is created.");
catch (Exception ex)
BCE.Application.AppMessage.ShowErrorMessage($"Failed to save Cash Sale.\n{ex.Message}");
private void MakeMultiPayments(BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.CashSale.CashSale cs, List<PaymentInfo> payments, BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
BCE.AutoCount.ARAP.ARPayment.ARPaymentDTLEntity payDtl;
//PaymentMode 3 indicate the cash sale is paid by more than one type of payments.
cs.PaymentMode = 3;
//cs.CashPayment = 0M;
cs.CCApprovalCode = DBNull.Value;
cs.CashSalePayment = BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesPayment.Create(
cs.ReferPaymentDocKey, cs.DocKey,
BCE.AutoCount.Document.DocumentType.CashSale, dbSetting);
cs.CashSalePayment.DebtorCode = cs.DebtorCode;
cs.CashSalePayment.CurrencyCode = cs.CurrencyCode;
cs.CashSalePayment.DocDate = cs.DocDate;
payments.ForEach(p =>
payDtl = cs.CashSalePayment.ARPayment.NewDetail();
payDtl.PaymentMethod = p.PaymentMethod;
payDtl.ChequeNo = p.ChequeNo;
payDtl.PaymentAmt = p.Amount;
if (cs.CashSalePayment.PaymentAmt > 0)