Programmer:Cash Sale with Payment: Difference between revisions

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# NetTotal must not be negative amount
# Negative Quantity is allowed, if it does not violate the NetTotal rule.
==Columns Specification==
===Master Table===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=5|Columns Table
! Column Name !! Data Type !! Size !! Mandatory !! Remark
| DocNo || string || 20 || Yes || If apply system running number,<br/>do not assign or assign "<<New>>"
| DocDate || DateTime || || Yes || '''Date only, without time'''<br/>Eg. DateTime.Today.Date
| DebtorCode || string || 12 || Yes ||
| Description || string || 100 || No ||
| RefDocNo || string || 20 || No ||
| Remark1 || string || 40 || No ||
| Remark2 || string || 40 || No ||
| Remark3 || string || 40 || No ||
| Remark4 || string || 40 || No ||
| Note || string || Max || No ||
===Detail Table===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=5|Columns Table
! Column Name !! Data Type !! Size !! Mandatory !! Remark
| ItemCode || string || 30 || No || Value must be maintained at Stock > [[Programmer:Stock Item|Item Maintenance]]
| Location || string || 8 || No || Value must be maintained at Stock > Stock Location Maintenance
| BatchNo || string || 20 || No || Value must be maintained at Stock > [[Programmer:Stock Item|Item Maintenance]] > Item Batch<br/>Requires enable "Item Batch No." module,<br/>and Item is controlled by BatchNo.<br/>Default: DBNull.Value
| Description || string || 100 || No ||
| FurtherDescription || string || Max || No ||
===Payment Table===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan=5|Columns Table
! Column Name !! Data Type !! Size !! Mandatory !! Remark
| PaymentMethod || string || 20 || No || Value must be maintained in General Maintenance -> Payment Method Maintenance.
| PaymentBy || string || 20 || No ||
| ChequeNo || string || 20 || No ||
| PaymentAmt || decimal || 18,4 || Yes ||
==References of AutoCount Accounting version 1.8, 1.9==