Troubleshooting: GST - “Error on GST On Realized Gain Loss: Tax Type IES not found”

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I try to run GST Processor, error message prompted “Error on GST On Realized Gain Loss: Tax Type IES not found”. What should I do?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

You have not maintained (activate) a tax type called: IES in the Tax Code Maintenance. IES stands for Incidental Exempt Supply and it is used when there is gain/loss in foreign exchange.


Go to GST > Tax Code Maintenance > Configure Malaysia GST

Click on “Output Tax”, then search for the “IES” tax code, check the checkbox and save. After that re-run GST processor again.

By: Ella 170728, KM 170802; P170810

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