Inventory Physical Adjustment Plug-In

From AutoCount Resource Center


Inventory Physical Adjustment Plug-In is an add-on function into AutoCount Accounting for user to perform stock take and adjust the quantity in the system automatically through Stock Adjustment.

System Requirement & Installation

In order to install Inventory Physical Adjustment plug-in, user will need to obtain .app file which is used for installation.

AutoCount Accounting System Requirement:

  • AutoCount Accounting Basic Edition and above
  • Scripting Module

Step by step guide for installation:
1.Login to AutoCount Accounting on the account book that user wish to install this plug-in.

2.Next, browse through AutoCount Accounting top menu for Tools --> Plug-in Manager.

3.After opening Plug-in Manager, click on the “Install” button located on right hand side, system will prompt to select a file. Please browse from folder and open the .app file.

4.A new window will prompt with some basic information of this plugin. Click the “Install” button again located at the bottom.

5.A confirmation message will prompt after clicking the “Install” button. Click “Yes” in order to confirm the installation.

6.Due to Inventory Physical Adjustment plug-in require to add in additional tables or fields to the database, it will prompt to let user know and again ask for confirmation to continue the installation.

7.After clicking “Yes”, the installation will start and after a moment if the plug-in is installed properly, a successfully installed message will appear and user just need to click “OK” to proceed.

8.After installation user will then able to see an extra menu on top of AutoCount Accounting menu. User can access any function or features that is related to this plug-in installed.

Functions & Features

After installing this plug-in, there will be a new entry - Inventory Physical Adjustment under the menu Inventory Adjustment. This entry is for user to key in their physical on hand quantity as per date or stock take result. After keying in the result, the system will compare to the quantity of each item by UOM, by location or by batch and make necessary adjustment.

Inventory Physical Adjustment Command Form

The Inventory Physical Adjustment main form had been designed to be similar to other entry form that can be found in AutoCount Accounting.

  1. Create a New Physical Inventory Adjustment: Click this to create a new Physical Inventory Adjustment.
  2. Find Inventory Physical Adjustment: Click this for advance searching through Physical Inventory Adjustment Entry.
  3. Print Inventory Physical Adjustment Listing: Click this for batch printing / listing printing of Physical Inventory Adjustment.

Create New Inventory Physical Adjustment

To create a new Inventory Physical Adjustment, click on the "Create a New Physical Inventory Adjustment" at the Command Form.

Master Columns
Description: This is the document description.
Ref Doc. No: Key in any related document reference number if any.
Inventory Physical Adjustment No.: Document number for this entry. Leave <<New>> if wish to follow system auto numbering.
Doc. Date: Document date for this entry. By default will capture system / computer date.

Functional Buttons
Merge: This button is to add merge any same ItemCode, UOM, Location and BatchNo at the same time delete any line item where physical quantity is empty.
Add Item by Filtering: This button is to add in item through filtering so that user do not need to add it 1 by 1.
Recalculate Bal. Qty: This button is to recalculate latest balance quantity in the system.
Fill Zero Physical Qty: This button is to fill zero physical quantity for the selected / filtered item.
Save & Post: This button is to confirm the entry and allow system to post a Stock Adjustment to adjust the item quantity accordingly. A stock adjustment entry will prompt with the items auto filled based on this Inventory Physical Adjustment entry.

Detail Columns
Item Code: The current selected item user working with.
Description: Detail description, it will capture the item description automatically.
Location: The location of current line item. This column is only visible if Multi-Location module is enabled.
Batch No.: The batch number of current line item. This column is only visible if Batch No. module is enabled.
UOM : Unit of measurement, the default value will be automatically captured.
Area : Area for this item. This is a free text and reference field only.
Slip No.: Slip number for this item. This is a free text and reference field only.
Bal. Qty: The balance quantity of item in the system.
Physical Qty: The physical quantity / actual quantity of user according to date. This column is to be filled by the user.
Different Qty: The different between physical quantity and balance quantity in the system. The system will automatically make adjustment according to this quantity, either + or -.
Unit Cost: The unit cost of the item.
Subtotal: This is the line total.
Remarks: Any additional information for this line item.

Find Inventory Physical Adjustment

For advance searching in Inventory Physical Adjustment entries, user can access the "Find New Inventory Physical Adjustment".

Key in key word and tick whichever search criteria that is needed and click Search. The system will able to search through all of the Inventory Physical Adjustment entries and return search result. Advance search is also available if the general search criteria is insufficient to the user. User can also edit or delete multiple entries at this page by checking the selected search result.

Print Inventory Physical Adjustment Listing

To print batch print Inventory Physical Adjustment entries or listing

Batch Print Inventory Physical Adjustment / Print Inventory Physical Adjustment Listing

  1. Select Report Type.
  2. Define filter criteria.
  3. Select Report Option.
  4. Click inquiry to get result.
  5. Tick on record for further action.
  6. Click preview or print for previewing or hard-copy printing.
  7. Select format / template of the report type to be preview or print.

Sample Preview

Print Inventory Physical Adjustment Detail Listing

  1. Define filter criteria.
  2. Select Report Option.
  3. Click inquiry to get result.
  4. Tick on record for further action.
  5. Click preview or print for previewing or hard-copy printing.

Sample Preview

Entry Result

After save & post for the inventory physical adjustment entry, a stock adjustment will prompt for user confirmation on the item quantity adjusted. Click save to continue.

User can then check their stock balance report to get their updated balance quantity in the system.


Installation of this plug-in will add the following tables into your database:

  1. IPA: Used to store Inventory Physical Adjustment master data.
  2. IPADTL: Used to store Inventory Physical Adjustment detail data.

Last Modified on 25th May 2017, by Jae Sen.

Download here: Inventory Physical Adjustment Plug-in