Troubleshooting: AutoCount Accounting Session has been Expired and unable to re-register your session

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: A message prompted “AutoCount Accounting Session Expired” while I’m using AutoCount, what should I do?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

Your session has been deleted from Network User Monitor and system unable to re-register your session due to the number of current logon user is already hit the maximum number of users you purchased.


Ask some of the users to logout from AutoCount, make sure there is at least 1 user session available for you, and then click on Yes from the Session Expired message box to re-register your session again. Then you can continue to use AutoCount as usual.

Note: You can go to Tools > Network Users Monitor to see the current login session information. You can manually delete their session from here.

How to delete particular session from Network Users Monitor? Just select the particular session you want to delete from Network Users Monitor and then click on Delete.

By: CK 171011, CY 171013, KM171016, P171020

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