Troubleshooting: Outstanding invoices not shown as GST Bad Debt Relief

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: There are outstanding invoices more than 6 months, but do not appear as GST Bad Debt Relief in GST Processor. Why?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

You did not define those debtors as tax registered person. If a debtor is not a tax registered debtor, his outstanding invoices will not be shown in the Manage AR Bad Debt Relief.

Note: For more information about Bad Debt Relief, please refer to official portal of Royal Malaysian Customs


Define the tax registered status for those related debtors.

Step 1: Go to A/R > Debtor Maintenance;

Step 2: Select debtor and click on edit.

Step 3: Click on Others tab, check the checkbox of ‘Is Tax Registered’ and maintain their GST ID in Tax Registration No. column.

All the related outstanding invoices more than 6 months will be shown in Manage AR Bad Debt Relief.

By: Lay Swan 171027, KM 171030, P171103