Troubleshooting: Unable to delete Gift Rule

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : When I try to delete one of the gift rule, system prompted error “Only latest document for DD is allowed to delete” ?

Version : 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason :

System detects that you have another gift rule transaction for the same person “DD” after 01/01/2018.

Solution :

System will record the accumulated gift amount for that fiscal year in the gift rule document. In order to delete the previous gift rule, you must delete the latest gift rule first.

Remarks : If you have submitted GST for that period, you need to check and make sure there is no any journal entry being create for the gift rule. Then you may delete it.

If it has, you’re not advise to delete it, because it will affect your GST submission result after deleted.

1. Delete GI-000002 (latest) and click on Yes.

2. Delete GI-000001 and click on Yes.

By : Aimi 180712, Lay Swan 180719, P180719

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