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Revision as of 15:43, 27 November 2017 by DanielY (talk | contribs)

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OnDetailColumnChanged is triggered when user changes the value at detail area.
Learn about Master and Detail in Document.

OnDetailColumnChanged event in Sales Invoice

public void OnDetailColumnChanged(BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.Invoice.InvoiceDetailColumnChangedEventArgs e)


public void OnDetailColumnChanged(BCE.AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.Invoice.InvoiceDetailColumnChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.ChangedColumnName == "Qty" || e.ChangedColumnName == "UOM")
        e.CurrentDetailRecord.FOCQty = GetFOCQty(e.CurrentDetailRecord.SmallestQty);

private BCE.Data.DBDecimal GetFOCQty(decimal qty)
    if (qty >= 10)
        return Math.Floor(qty / 10);
        return DBNull.Value;

When Qty value is changed, it will refresh the value of FOCQty. The value of FOCQty is based on the qty of every 10 unit.
In this example, you will also see the example using of DBDecimal and DBNull.Value.