Report Script: Filter Overdue Letter with specific age that is due

Revision as of 09:36, 24 October 2018 by DanielY (talk | contribs)


A requirement to show Overdue Letter that is on specific age range in was brought to my attention. I decided to write this tutorial to show how we can manipulate the DataTable in the report.

Attempted to apply DataView.RowFilter on the detail table that is in a DataRelation was unsuccessful. Therefore, in this tutorial will delete the record in the DataTable that is not in the overdue age range.

Task in this tutorial

  • Remove detail record, and show documents overdue age between 30-59.
  • Calculate the total sum of amount due.


AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
Applicable to AutoCount Accounting 2.0 (require to manual modify some code)

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Report Script

Add using directive

  1. Add directive at the top of Scripts, if has not already added.
    • using System.Data;

Add function of FilterDueAge

FilterDueAge removes detail table record that is not in the filter range of Age.

private void FilterDueAge(int fromAge, int toAge)
	//Get table of documents that are due (Detail table)
	DataTable dtDetail = (__report.DataSource as DataSet).Tables["Detail"];

	//Find document record that the age is not in the age range
	DataRow[] rows = dtDetail.Select(string.Format("Age < {0} OR Age > {1}", fromAge, toAge));

	//Delete document record
	foreach (DataRow row in rows)
	{ row.Delete(); }

	//Above execution may render to debtor has no overdue document,
	//below function is to remove debtor record that has no overdue document.

Add function of RemoveEmptyMaster

RemoveEmptyMaster function removes master record that has no Overdue document in detail.

private void RemoveEmptyMaster()
	//Get Master and Detail tables
	DataTable dtMaster = (__report.DataSource as DataSet).Tables["Master"];
	DataTable dtDetail = (__report.DataSource as DataSet).Tables["Detail"];

	string debtorCode;

	//Delete master record that has no detail (overdue document)
	foreach (DataRow rowM in dtMaster.Rows)
		debtorCode = rowM["AccNo"].ToString();

		//Find DebtorCode in Detail Table
		DataRow[] selectRows = dtDetail.Select(string.Format("DebtorCode='{0}'", debtorCode));
		if (selectRows.Length == 0)

Add function call in Report_BeforePrint event

Before this report is processed, add the function call in the event that is triggered at the beginning.

  • Assign value of from age and to age for the function
  • If the report is for overdue age that is greater than 60, assign value of 60 and 999.
private void Report_BeforePrint(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e)
	__report = Report as BCE.AutoCount.Report.BaseReport;

	//Filter document that the age is between 30 and 59.
	//The result of Overdue Letter will show document that the due age is 30 to 59.
	FilterDueAge(30, 59);

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