AR Received Payment

Revision as of 10:16, 21 December 2017 by DanielY (talk | contribs)

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  Resources For AutoCount Software Developers

Assemblies version 1.8

public void NewARPayment(ARPaymentSource source, BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
    string userID = BCE.AutoCount.Authentication.UserAuthentication.GetOrCreate(dbSetting).LoginUserID;
    BCE.AutoCount.ARAP.ARPayment.ARPaymentDataAccess cmd =
    BCE.AutoCount.ARAP.ARPayment.ARPaymentEntity doc = cmd.NewARPayment();

    doc.DebtorCode = source.DebtorCode;
    doc.DocNo = source.DocumentNo;
    doc.DocNo2 = source.ReceiptNo2;
    doc.DocDate = source.DocumentDate;
    doc.CurrencyCode = source.PaymentCurrencyCode ?? doc.CurrencyCode;
    doc.ToHomeRate = source.PaymentToHomeCurrencyRate ?? doc.ToHomeRate;
    doc.ToDebtorRate = source.PaymentToDebtorCurrencyRate ?? doc.ToDebtorRate;
    doc.ProjNo = source.Project;
    doc.DeptNo = source.Department;

    source.PaymentDetail.ForEach(s => AddARPaymentDetail(s, doc.NewDetail));

    foreach (ARPaymentKnockoff knockoff in source.PaymentKnockoff)
        doc.KnockOff(knockoff.DocType, knockoff.DocNo, knockoff.Amount, knockoff.DBDate);

        cmd.SaveARPayment(doc, userID);
        //BCE.Application.AppMessage.ShowMessage(string.Format("{0} is created.", doc.DocNo));
    catch (BCE.Application.AppException ex)
        //log error

private void AddARPaymentDetail(ARPaymentDetailSource source, Func<BCE.AutoCount.ARAP.ARPayment.ARPaymentDTLEntity> addPaymentDetail)
    BCE.AutoCount.ARAP.ARPayment.ARPaymentDTLEntity dtl = addPaymentDetail();
    dtl.PaymentMethod = source.PaymentMethod;
    dtl.ChequeNo = source.ChequeNo;
    dtl.PaymentAmt = source.PaymentAmount;
    dtl.BankCharge = source.BankCharge;
    dtl.BankChargeTaxType = source.BankChargeTaxCode;
    dtl.BankChargeTaxRefNo = source.BankChargeBillNoForGst;
    dtl.PaymentBy = source.PaymentBy;

    if (source.ReturnChequeDate.HasValue)
        dtl.IsRCHQ = true;
        dtl.RCHQDate = source.ReturnChequeDate.Value;
public class ARPaymentSource
    public string DebtorCode { get; set; }
    public string DocumentNo { get; set; }
    public string ReceiptNo2 { get; set; }
    public DateTime DocumentDate { get; set; } = DateTime.Today.Date;
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string DepositMethod { get; set; }
    //When not defined (null), system will apply the Debtor Account's default currency code
    public string PaymentCurrencyCode { get; set; }
    public decimal? PaymentToHomeCurrencyRate { get; set; }
    public decimal? PaymentToDebtorCurrencyRate { get; set; }
    public string Project { get; set; }
    public string Department { get; set; }

    public List<ARPaymentDetailSource> PaymentDetail = new List<ARPaymentDetailSource>();
    public List<ARPaymentKnockoff> PaymentKnockoff = new List<ARPaymentKnockoff>();
public class ARPaymentDetailSource
    public string PaymentMethod { get; set; }
    public string ChequeNo { get; set; }
    public decimal PaymentAmount { get; set; }
    public decimal BankCharge { get; set; }
    public string BankChargeTaxCode { get; set; }
    public string BankChargeBillNoForGst { get; set; }
    public string PaymentBy { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// If this cheque is returned/bounced cheque
    /// Set the returned/bounced date. Otherwise it is null
    /// </summary>
    public DateTime? ReturnChequeDate { get; set; }

public class ARPaymentKnockoff
    public const string ARInvoiceDocType = BCE.AutoCount.Document.DocumentType.ARInvoice;
    public const string ARDebitNoteDocType = BCE.AutoCount.Document.DocumentType.ARDN;

    public string DocType { get; set; }
    public string DocNo { get; set; }
    public decimal Amount { get; set; }
    public BCE.Data.DBDateTime DBDate { get; set; } = DBNull.Value;

See Also