AutoCount Accounting 2.1.12 Tax Updates

From AutoCount Resource Center

TaxType to TaxCode

All previous "TaxType" is renamed to "TaxCode".

Tax Entity

  • Tax Entity is a new class that is required for Tax related entities and transactions.
  • Tax Entity can be assigned to debtor and creditor.
  • In some cases document cannot be saved, if Tax Entity is not pre-defined in debtor/creditor.
  • Each debtor/creditor can be assigned with one Tax Entity.
  • Tax Entity can be assigned to branches of debtor and creditor.
Each debtor/creditor is allowed to have more than one Tax Entity under Branches.
  • Each of the Branches of a debtor/creditor can have its own Tax Entity respectively.
  • While the TIN of the Tax Entity is allowed to be the same, TaxBranchID must be different.
The keys for a Tax Entity are TIN and TaxBranchID.
When a debtor has more than one TIN or Branch Code, suggest adding branch to the debtor. And assign each branch with its own Tax Entity.

Assign the value of debtor and the branch in the document. Avoid assign value to the Tax Entity in the document of AR/AP, sales and purchases.

Tax Entity common fields

Fieldname Data Type Max Size Compulsory Remark
Name string 100 Yes Tax registered name for this Tax Entity
IdentityNo string 30 Optional field for reference ID
FullTIN string 30 Yes Readonly.
System auto combine TIN and TaxBranchID
TIN string 20 Yes TaxID or TIN of the Tax Registered ID
TaxBranchID string 10 Yes If not applicable, assign zeroes as head office. Eg. "0000".
Address string 200 Full address
PostCode string 10 Postcode / Zip Code
Phone string 25
EmailAddress string 200
TaxCategory int Yes 0 = Individual, 1 = NonIndividual
TaxClassification int Yes 0 = Private, 1 = Government

Code sample to create new Tax Entity

/// <summary></summary>
/// <returns>TaxEntityID</returns>
public int? CreateNewTaxEntity()
    AutoCount.Tax.TaxEntityMaintenance.TaxEntityCommand cmd =
    AutoCount.Tax.TaxEntityMaintenance.TaxEntity te = cmd.New();

    te.Name = "TFC Company";
    te.IdentityNo = null;
    te.TIN = "111-222-333";
    te.TaxBranchID = "3200";
    te.Address = "20, Street 1/2, Loney Road, 23000 (full address)";
    te.PostCode = "23000";
    te.Phone = null;
    te.EmailAddress = null;
    te.TaxCategory = Tax.TaxCategory.Private;
    te.TaxClassification = Tax.TaxClassification.NonIndividual;

    return te.TaxEntityID;

Create new Debtor with Tax Entity

/// <summary></summary>
/// <returns>Debtor Code</returns>
public string CreateNewDebtor(string debtorControlAcc)
    string companyName = "ABC Company";
    string accNo = GetNewDebtorCode(myUserSession, debtorControlAcc, companyName);
    AutoCount.ARAP.Debtor.DebtorDataAccess cmd =
        AutoCount.ARAP.Debtor.DebtorDataAccess.Create(myUserSession, myUserSession.DBSetting);
    AutoCount.ARAP.Debtor.DebtorEntity debtor = cmd.NewDebtor();

    //Code Snippet
    debtor.ControlAccount = detborControlAcc;
    debtor.CompanyName = companyName;
    debtor.AccNo = accNo;
    //Create new or Assign existing Debtor's TaxEntity
    debtor.TaxEntityID = CreateNewTaxEntity();
    //...Add more fields to complete debtor creation

    cmd.SaveDebtor(debtor, myUserSession.LoginUserID);
    return debtor.AccNo;

Tax Entity application

Tax Entity is applied as in following:-

Master Data

  • Branch
  • Debtor
  • Creditor
  • Payment method


  • Cash Book Master
  • Cash Book Detail
  • Journal Entry
  • ARInvoice
  • ARCN
  • ARDN
  • APInvoice
  • APDN
  • APCN


  • Advance Quotation
  • Quotation
  • Sales Order
  • Delivery Order
  • Sales Invoice
  • Cash Sales
  • Sales Credit Note
  • Sales Debit Note
  • Delivery Return
  • Cancel Sales Order
  • Consignment
  • Consignment Return


  • Request Quotation
  • Purchase Order
  • Goods Received
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Cash Purchase
  • Purchase Return
  • Goods Return
  • Cancel Purchase Order
  • Purchase Consignment
  • Purchase Consignment Return

Withholding Tax


  • Withholding Tax Amount must be greater than zero.
  • The total of Withholding Tax Amount must be equal or smaller than the net amount (that excludes tax amount of GST or VAT).
  • Withholding Tax requires Tax Entity.
Document that has Withholding Tax cannot be saved without Tax Entity specified.

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