BCE.AutoCount.Report.ReportTool is commonly use for DesignReport, PreviewReport and PrintReport when developing a custom report type event in Plug-In.
There are times, when programmer needs to control how the report is send to the printer.
With ReportTool, you may access to the printing property before printing to the printer.
/// <summary>/// Implements script for Application./// </summary>publicclassReportToolScript{/// <summary>/// Occurs before a report is printed/// </summary>/// <param name="e">The event argument</param>publicvoidBeforePrint(BCE.AutoCount.Report.ReportTool.BeforePrintEventArgse){}/// <summary>/// Occurs after a report is printed/// </summary>/// <param name="e">The event argument</param>publicvoidAfterPrint(BCE.AutoCount.Report.ReportTool.AfterPrintEventArgse){}}