Exercise 3: Create Form
Objectives: Create A Form to load A/R Invoice, A/R Debit Note, A/R Credit Note and A/R Payment into one Data Grid.
1. Open the plug-in project “Tutorial.PRG201”
2. Amend the plug-in and project version to “1.0.3”
3. Right-Click on “Tutorial.PRG101” (Project), and Select -> Add | Windows Forms…
- Type the form name as “FormARTransData.cs”
4. Add MenuItemAttribute before the partial class of FormARTransData
[BCE.AutoCount.PlugIn.MenuItem("AR Transactions Enquiry", MenuOrder = 10)]
5. Insert “BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting” at the constructor’s argument
6. Add a Panel Control onto FormARTransData
- [Properties]
- (Name) = panelHeader
- Dock = Top
7. Add a DataGridView at below of the panelHeader
- [Properties]
- (Name) = dataGridMain
- Dock = Fill
8. Add a Button on panelHeader
- [Properties]
- (Name) = btnRefresh
- Text = "Refresh"
9. Create Event for button [Refresh]
- Double clicks [Refresh] button.
- In the event of btnRefresh_Click, insert a method of LoadARData()
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void LoadARData()
//Algorithm to load data
10. Before proceed to load data, DBSetting object is required for the connection to SQL Server.
- Create BCE.Data.DBSetting object to store dbSetting which is passed from the AutoCount Accounting.
private BCE.Data.DBSetting mydbset;
public FormARTransData(BCE.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
mydbset = dbSetting;
11. Prepare SQL Query to select data to load Copy below string and paste in the method of LoadARData()
string sqlSelect = "SELECT"
+ " 'RI' AS DocType, DebtorCode, DocNo, DocDate, [Description]"
+ ",SalesAgent, LocalNetTotal AS LocalAmount,"
+ "(Outstanding * CurrencyRate) AS LocalBalance"
+ " WHERE Cancelled = 'F'"
+ " UNION"
+ " SELECT 'RD' AS DocType, DebtorCode, DocNo, DocDate, [Description]"
+ ",SalesAgent, LocalNetTotal AS LocalAmount"
+ ",Outstanding AS LocalBalance"
+ " WHERE Cancelled = 'F'"
+ " UNION"
+ " SELECT 'RC' AS DocType, DebtorCode, DocNo, DocDate, [Description]"
+ ",'' AS SalesAgent, LocalNetTotal AS LocalAmount"
+ ",(NetTotal - KnockOffAmt + RefundAmt) * CurrencyRate AS LocalBalance"
+ " WHERE Cancelled = 'F'"
+ " UNION"
+ " SELECT 'RP' AS DocType, DebtorCode, DocNo, DocDate, [Description]"
+ ",'' AS SalesAgent, LocalPaymentAmt AS LocalAmount"
+ ",LocalUnappliedAmount AS LocalBalance"
+ " WHERE Cancelled = 'F'";
12. Access SQL Server using mydbset.
- Update LoadARData() method, to load data into DataTable.
private void LoadARData()
//Paste sqlSelect here
DataTable tableARTrans = mydbset.GetDataTable(sqlSelect, false);
dataGridMain.DataSource = tableARTrans;
13. Build this plug-in and load into AutoCount Accounting
- Refer to Exercise 1 to build Plug-In
AR Transactions Enquiry is shown as a menu function in AutoCount Accounting (MenuItemAttribute)
Data loaded onto FormARTransData
See Also
- Plug-In 1.8 Getting Started
- Plug-In 1.8 User Control & Interface
- Exercise 1: Build My First Plug-In
- Exercise 2: Create Dialog Box
- Exercise 3: Create Form
- Exercise 4: Design Form of AutoCount Accounting 1.8
- Exercise 5: Design Grid of AutoCount Accounting 1.8
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