Programmer:Item Package v2

Create New or Update Item Package

public void NewOrUpdateItemPackage(string packageCode, UserSession userSession)
    //string packageCode = "PackA";
    string desc = "Packing A";

    AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackageCommand cmd =
        AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackageCommand.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
    AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackage pack = cmd.Edit(packageCode);
    AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackageDetail packDtl = null;

    if (pack == null)
        pack = cmd.AddNew();
        pack.PackageCode = packageCode;
    pack.Description = desc;
    pack.IsActive = true;

    packDtl = pack.AddDetail();
    packDtl.ItemCode = "Item1";
    packDtl.Description = "Item 1";
    packDtl.UOM = "UNIT";
    packDtl.Qty = 1;
    packDtl.TaxType = "S-10";
    packDtl.PurchaseTaxType = null;
    packDtl.UnitPrice = 15M;
    packDtl.PurchasePrice = 10M;

    packDtl = pack.AddDetail();
    packDtl.ItemCode = "Item2";
    packDtl.Description = "Item 2";
    packDtl.UOM = "UNIT";
    packDtl.Qty = 1;
    packDtl.TaxType = "S-5";
    packDtl.PurchaseTaxType = null;
    packDtl.UnitPrice = 12M;
    packDtl.PurchasePrice = 5M;

    //Save the Item Package


public void DeleteItemPackage(string packageCode, UserSession userSession)
    AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackageCommand cmd =
        AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackageCommand.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
    AutoCount.Stock.ItemPackage.ItemPackage pack = cmd.Edit(packageCode);
    if (pack != null)
        long[] packingKeys = new long[] { pack.DocKey };

Item Package in document

Add item package

public void NewUpdateSalesOrderWithItemPackage(string docNo, UserSession userSession)
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderCommand cmd =
        AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderCommand.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrder doc = cmd.Edit(docNo);
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderDetail dtl = null;

    if (doc == null)
        doc = cmd.AddNew();
        //Remove all details of existing document

    doc.DebtorCode = "300-A001";
    doc.DocNo = "<<New>>";  //use running numbering
    doc.DocDate = DateTime.Today.Date;
    doc.Description = "Description of this document";

    dtl = doc.AddDetail();
    dtl.ItemCode = "ItemA";
    dtl.Description = "Description of this item";
    dtl.UOM = "UNIT";
    dtl.Qty = 10;
    dtl.UnitPrice = 20.89M;
    dtl.Discount = "3%";

    //Do not update unit price of the item package
    //Should always update the unit price at package detail
    dtl = doc.AddPackage("PackA");
    dtl.Qty = 1;


Add item package with custom package detail

public void NewUpdateSalesOrderWithItemPackageDetail(string docNo, UserSession userSession)
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderCommand cmd =
        AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderCommand.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrder doc = cmd.Edit(docNo);
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderDetail dtl = null;
    AutoCount.Invoicing.InvoicingPackageDetailRecord packageDtl = null;

    if (doc == null)
        doc = cmd.AddNew();
        //Remove all details of existing document

    doc.DebtorCode = "300-A001";
    doc.DocNo = "<<New>>";  //use running numbering
    doc.DocDate = DateTime.Today.Date;
    doc.Description = "Description of this document";

    dtl = doc.AddDetail();
    dtl.ItemCode = "ItemA";
    dtl.Description = "Description of this item";
    dtl.UOM = "UNIT";
    dtl.Qty = 10;
    dtl.UnitPrice = 20.89M;
    dtl.Discount = "3%";

    //Do not update the dtl.UnitPrice of ItemPackage
    //ItemPackage unit price is updated from the total of package detail
    dtl = doc.AddPackage("PackA");
    dtl.Qty = 1;
    //clear the existing detail in the package before adding subitems

    packageDtl = doc.AddPackageDetail(dtl.DtlKey);
    packageDtl.ItemCode = "ItemA";
    packageDtl.Description = "Description of ItemA";
    packageDtl.Qty = 2;
    packageDtl.UnitPrice = 10.60M;

    packageDtl = doc.AddPackageDetail(dtl.DtlKey);
    packageDtl.ItemCode = "ItemB";
    packageDtl.Description = "Description of ItemB";
    packageDtl.Qty = 1;
    packageDtl.UnitPrice = 30.90M;

    packageDtl = doc.AddPackageDetail(dtl.DtlKey);
    packageDtl.ItemCode = "ItemC";
    packageDtl.Description = "Description of ItemC";
    packageDtl.Qty = 1;
    packageDtl.UnitPrice = 100M;


See Also

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