Programmer:Stock Item v2
Technical Specification
- Default ItemCode size = 30
- Item must have at least one UOM
- Must have base UOM, which the UOM rate is 1.
- When create new item, the first UOM's Rate must be equal to 1, before adding UOM's Rate that is greater than 1.
- Though AutoCount Accounting supports more than one UOM with the rate of 1, there can only be one base uom.
- Rename ItemCode at ItemDataAccess or when Edit the item is not allow.
- Must Implement Change Item Code to rename the ItemCode
- Item cannot be deleted, when the item is used in documents.
References of AutoCount Accounting version 2.0
AutoCount.Accounting.dll AutoCount.Accounting.UI.dll AutoCount.dll AutoCount.MainEntry.dll AutoCount.UI.dll AutoCount.StockMaint.dll
Load data with API
Single Record
Load one item by specifying "ItemCode" and "UOM".
public void ExampleOfSingleItemRecord(string itemCode, string uom, AutoCount.Data.DBSetting dbset)
AutoCount.Data.ItemRecord itemRec = AutoCount.Data.RecordUtils.GetItem(dbset, itemCode, uom);
if (itemRec != null)
string description = itemRec.Description;
string desc2 = itemRec.Desc2;
string furtherDesc = itemRec.FurtherDescription;
string defaultSaleUOM = itemRec.SalesUOM;
string defaultPurchaseUOM = itemRec.PurchaseUOM;
decimal? sellingPrice = itemRec.Price;
decimal? standardCost = itemRec.Cost;
bool isStockControl = itemRec.StockControl;
bool isActive = itemRec.IsActive;
//Data that is of UDF object requires to perform conversion to appropriate datatype
string state = itemRec.UDF["State"].ToString();
decimal commissionRate = AutoCount.Converter.ToDecimal(itemRec.UDF["COMMRATE"]);
//itemRec.UDF of boolean type returns "T" or "F";
//Must use TextToBoolean(object) method to convert the UDF of boolean type to bool.
bool calcCommission = AutoCount.Converter.TextToBoolean(itemRec.UDF["CALCCOMM"]);
Multiple items with Filter
Load Items on selection of Item Groups
Load multiple items that filter item of selected Item Groups.
Below coding requires to add directive of:- using System.Data; using System.Linq;
public DataTable GetItemDataByItemGroup(string[] itemGroups, AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//Build Sql List of Item Group
string itemGroupInSql = BuildItemGroupInSql(itemGroups);
//Construct Sql Select string with selection of Item Groups
string sqlSelectItemInItemGroup = string.Format("SELECT ItemCode FROM Item WHERE IsActive='T' AND ItemGroup IN ({0})", itemGroupInSql);
//Get Item Code List in a table from Sql Server
DataTable tblItemCode = userSession.DBSetting.GetDataTable(sqlSelectItemInItemGroup, false);
//Convert Table of ItemCode to an Array of string
string[] itemArray = tblItemCode.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("ItemCode")).ToArray();
//Create ItemDataAccess object,
//and call LoadAllItem(string[]) method to filter ItemCode
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd = AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntities items = cmd.LoadAllItem(itemArray);
//items.ItemTable consists of UOM in single table
return items.ItemTable;
private string BuildItemGroupInSql(string[] itemGroups)
//Generate and return a Sql string of ItemGroup
//If ItemGroups string array is null or empty, the return is "SELECT Item FROM LIST('')"
return string.Format("SELECT Item FROM LIST('{0}')",
(g1, g2) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(g2)
? g1
: string.IsNullOrEmpty(g1) ? g2 : string.Format("{0},{1}", g1, g2)
- To call the method of GetItemDataByItemGroup
//mySession is the object of AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession
GetItemDataByItemGroup(new string[] { "FINISHED", "RAW" }, mySession)
Load Items that was last updated on specific date
Load multiple items that filter item that has been updated since a specific date.
Below coding requires to add directive of:- using System.Data; using System.Linq;
public DataTable GetModifiedItemData(DateTime filterModifiedDate, AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//Get ItemCode List that is edited (modified) after a specific date
DataTable tblItemCode = userSession.DBSetting.GetDataTable("SELECT ItemCode FROM Item WHERE IsActive='T' AND LastModified>=?", false, filterModifiedDate);
string[] itemArray = tblItemCode.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("ItemCode")).ToArray();
//Create ItemDataAccess object,
//and call LoadAllItem(string[]) method to filter ItemCode
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd = AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntities items = cmd.LoadAllItem(itemArray);
//items.ItemTable consists of UOM in single table
return items.ItemTable;
Stock Balance (Quantity & Costing) Table and with filter location
public System.Data.DataTable GetItemLocationBalanceData(DateTime filterOnDate, AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
AutoCount.Stock.StockBalance.StockBalanceHelper sbHelper = new AutoCount.Stock.StockBalance.StockBalanceHelper(userSession);
//Filter the stock balance to show location from "PJ" to "PJ"
sbHelper.Criteria.LocationFilter.Type = AutoCount.SearchFilter.FilterType.ByRange;
sbHelper.Criteria.LocationFilter.From = "PJ";
sbHelper.Criteria.LocationFilter.To = "PJ";
//sbHelper.ResultDataSet returns 2 tables
//1. Master (Item Balance)
//2. ItemSerialNo (Serial Number)
//System.Data.DataSet dsBalanceWithSerial = sbHelper.ResultDataSet;
return sbHelper.ResultTable;
Return of sbHelper.ResultTable is shown as below. (One table is split to 2 images)
- Balance is the balance quantity of the UOM of this (current) row.
- SmallestBalQty is the total quantity of all UOMs in smallest uom (base uom in Item Maintenance).
- Get Stock Item Costing...Click here.
Stock Item API Usage
- It is advised that Item Group is assigned to item. See Item Group.
Method 1 : Simple assign value to new Item
public void NewStockItem(AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//If true, cost of this item will be recalculated upon saving
//Since this is a new item, so there is no transactions to be recalculated.
bool recalculate = false;
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd =
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntity itemEntity = cmd.NewItem();
itemEntity.ItemCode = "FG002";
//ItemGroup must already exist in "Item Group Maintenance"
itemEntity.ItemGroup = "FINISHED";
itemEntity.Description = "Finished Goods 002";
//0 : Fixed Cost
//1 : Weighted Average
//2 : FIFO
//3 : LIFO
//If not define, default Costing method will be assigned to this item
itemEntity.CostingMethod = 2;
itemEntity.BaseUomRecord.Uom = "UNIT";
itemEntity.BaseUomRecord.StandardCost = 80;
itemEntity.BaseUomRecord.StandardSellingPrice = 100;
cmd.SaveData(itemEntity, ref recalculate);
Method 2 : Auto generate ItemCode
- This example shows get auto generate ItemCode and multiple UOMs
public void NewStockItemWithMultiUOM(AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//If true, cost of this item will be recalculated upon saving
//Since this is a new item, so there is no transactions to be recalculated.
bool recalculate = false;
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd =
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntity itemEntity = cmd.NewItem();
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemUomEntity uomEntity;
//Refer to "Auto Generate ItemCode for New Item with ItemCodeHelper" in this page
itemEntity.ItemCode = GetAutoItemCodeByItemGroup("FINISHED", userSession.DBSetting);
//ItemGroup must already exist in "Item Group Maintenance"
itemEntity.ItemGroup = "FINISHED";
itemEntity.Description = "Finished Goods 001";
itemEntity.CostingMethod = 1;
//Sale Tax and Purchase Tax can be bound to this item
itemEntity.TaxType = "SR-S";
itemEntity.PurchaseTaxType = "TX-S";
//While creating new item, system will auto initiate a new UOM.
//The value of this UOM, is taken from "Default UOM",
//which it is maintained in Tools | Option, under Stock | General Stock Setting
//Next line will remove the new auto created uom, before adding my uom(s).
//The rate of first UOM must be 1
//The first UOM that is rate 1 will be auto assign to BaseUOM of this item
//Assuming from here is a loop to create UOMs
uomEntity = itemEntity.NewUom("UNIT", 1);
uomEntity.StandardCost = 50;
uomEntity.StandardSellingPrice = 100;
uomEntity = itemEntity.NewUom("PCS", 1);
uomEntity.StandardCost = 52;
uomEntity.StandardSellingPrice = 100;
uomEntity = itemEntity.NewUom("BOX", 6);
uomEntity.StandardCost = 150;
uomEntity.StandardSellingPrice = 300;
//End of adding UOM
//The result of the above uom:
//Total of 3 uoms added to this item
//There are two uom with Rate = 1
//"UNIT" is the base uom
cmd.SaveData(itemEntity, ref recalculate);
public void ChangeStockItemPricing(AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//If true, cost of this item will be recalculated upon saving
bool recalculate = true;
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd =
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntity itemEntity;
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemUomEntity uomEntity;
itemEntity = cmd.LoadItem("FG001", AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntryAction.Edit);
//Load the UOM of this Item, where Cost and Price are stored
uomEntity = itemEntity.GetUomByName("UNIT");
uomEntity.StandardCost = 45;
//Calculate Standard Selling Price base on Standard Cost
//Eg. Set the Selling Price at 80% of the cost
uomEntity.StandardSellingPrice = uomEntity.StandardCost * 1.8M;
cmd.SaveData(itemEntity, ref recalculate);
Discontinue an Item
public void SetItemDiscontinue(bool discontinue, AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//If true, cost of this item will be recalculated upon saving
bool recalculate = false;
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd =
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntity itemEntity = cmd.LoadItem("FG001", AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntryAction.Edit);
//Discontinued = true, this item no longer can be selected in purchase documents
itemEntity.Discontinued = discontinue;
cmd.SaveData(itemEntity, ref recalculate);
Inactive an Item
public void SetItemActive(bool active, AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
//If true, cost of this item will be recalculated upon saving
bool recalculate = false;
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd =
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntity itemEntity = cmd.LoadItem("FG001", AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemEntryAction.Edit);
//IsActive = false, this item no longer can be selected at all entry form
itemEntity.IsActive = active;
cmd.SaveData(itemEntity, ref recalculate);
public void DeleteStock(string itemCode, AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess cmd = AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemDataAccess.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
Auto Generate ItemCode for New Item with ItemCodeHelper
- Auto generate item code depends on a valid Item Code Format setting.
- Item Code Format is maintained in Tools | Options, go to Stock | General Stock Setting.
- One of the 3 methods below can be used when generates item code.
- Get an auto generate item code with the short code of Item Group
- Get an auto generate item code with the short code of Item Type
- Get an auto generate item code with the short code of both Item Group and Item Type
public string GetAutoItemCodeByItemGroup(string itemGroup, AutoCount.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
string itemCodeFormat = GetDefaultItemCodeFormat(dbSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemCodeHelper itemHelper =
return itemHelper.GenerateItemCode(itemGroup, null, null, null, null, itemCodeFormat);
public string GetAutoItemCodeByItemType(string itemType, AutoCount.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
string itemCodeFormat = GetDefaultItemCodeFormat(dbSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemCodeHelper itemHelper = AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemCodeHelper.Create(dbSetting);
return itemHelper.GenerateItemCode(null, itemType, null, null, null, itemCodeFormat);
public string GetAutoItemCodeByItemGroupAndItemType(string itemGroup, string itemType, AutoCount.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
string itemCodeFormat = GetDefaultItemCodeFormat(dbSetting);
AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemCodeHelper itemHelper = AutoCount.Stock.Item.ItemCodeHelper.Create(dbSetting);
return itemHelper.GenerateItemCode(itemGroup, itemType, null, null, null, itemCodeFormat);
Default Item Code Format
Return the text formatting of ItemCode when the formatting is required by auto generate ItemCode
private string GetDefaultItemCodeFormat(AutoCount.Data.DBSetting dbSetting)
return AutoCount.Data.DBRegistry.Create(dbSetting)
.GetString(new AutoCount.RegistryID.ItemCodeFormat());
See Also
- Item Group v2
- Stock Item (Item Maintenance) v2
- Item Package v2
- Stock Adjustment v2
- Stock Transfer v2
- Stock Assembly v2
- Get Stock Cost and Stock Balance with Costing - [1.8, 1.9] [2.0]
- Item Opening Balance Maintenance - [1.8, 1.9] [2.0]
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