Programmer:Sales Order v2

From AutoCount Resource Center

Technical Specification

  1. NetTotal must not be negative amount
  2. Document NetTotal amount is read-only, as the net total must be the sum of detail total (sub-total).

Assemblies version 2.0


Sample with data model

Create New Sales Order

public void NewSaleSalesOrder(AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession, SaleSalesOrderSource source)
    string newDocStr = "<<New>>";
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderCommand cmd =
        AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderCommand.Create(userSession, userSession.DBSetting);
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrder doc = cmd.AddNew();

    doc.DebtorCode = source.CustomerCode;
    doc.DocNo = source.DocumentNo ?? newDocStr;
    doc.DocDate = source.DocumentDate;
    doc.Description = source.Description;
    doc.CurrencyRate = source.CurrencyRate;
    doc.Agent = source.SalesPerson;
    //Set whether to apply which rounding methodo of either Document or Each Line,
    //this may affect different result in GST Calculation due to decimal point.
    doc.RoundingMethod = source.RoundMethod;
    //Document Level Inclusive Tax
    doc.InclusiveTax = source.Inclusive;

    source.Details.ForEach(s => AddSaleSalesOrderDetail(s, doc.AddDetail));

        //log success
        //AutoCount.AppMessage.ShowMessage(string.Format("{0} is created.", doc.DocNo));
    catch (AutoCount.AppException ex)
        //log ex.Message

private void AddSaleSalesOrderDetail(SaleSalesOrderDetail sourceDtl,
    Func<AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderDetail> addToDoc)
    AutoCount.Invoicing.Sales.SalesOrder.SalesOrderDetail dtl = addToDoc();

    //SalesOrder has no AccNo
    dtl.ItemCode = sourceDtl.ItemCode;
    dtl.Description = sourceDtl.Description ?? dtl.Description;
    if (sourceDtl.Project != null)
        dtl.ProjNo = sourceDtl.Project;
    if (sourceDtl.Department != null)
        dtl.DeptNo = sourceDtl.Department;
    if (sourceDtl.Location != null)
        dtl.Location = sourceDtl.Location;
    dtl.Qty = sourceDtl.Quantity ?? dtl.Qty;
    dtl.UOM = sourceDtl.Uom ?? dtl.UOM;
    dtl.UnitPrice = sourceDtl.UnitPrice ?? dtl.UnitPrice;
    dtl.Discount = sourceDtl.Discount ?? dtl.Discount;
    dtl.SubTotal = sourceDtl.Amount ?? dtl.SubTotal;
    if (sourceDtl.GSTCode != null)
        dtl.TaxType = sourceDtl.GSTCode;
    dtl.TaxAdjustment = sourceDtl.GSTAdjustment;

Classes of source

public class SaleSalesOrderSource
    public string CustomerCode { get; set; }
    public string DocumentNo { get; set; }
    public DateTime DocumentDate { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public decimal CurrencyRate { get; set; } = 1;
    public string SalesPerson { get; set; }
    public AutoCount.Document.DocumentRoundingMethod RoundMethod { get; set; } =
    public bool Inclusive { get; set; } = false;
    public List<SaleSalesOrderDetail> Details { get; set; } = new List<SaleSalesOrderDetail>();

public class SaleSalesOrderDetail
    public string Account { get; set; }
    public string ItemCode { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Location { get; set; }
    public string Project { get; set; }
    public string Department { get; set; }
    public decimal? Quantity { get; set; }
    public string Uom { get; set; }
    public decimal? UnitPrice { get; set; }
    public string Discount { get; set; }
    public decimal? Amount { get; set; }
    public string GSTCode { get; set; }
    public decimal GSTAdjustment { get; set; }


public void MainEntry(AutoCount.Authentication.UserSession userSession)
    SaleSalesOrderSource newDoc = new SaleSalesOrderSource()
        CustomerCode = "300-A001",
        Description = "SALES INVOICE GENERATED",
        //If let AutoCount auto assign running number, assign "<<New>>" is unnecessary
        //DocumentNo = "<<New>>",
        DocumentDate = new DateTime(2017, 11, 30),
        Inclusive = true

    //There are many ways which data input can be entered into details, here are some of the common input.
    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { Description = "Particulars" });
    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { ItemCode = "FG00001", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 50.20M, GSTCode = "SR-S" });
    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { ItemCode = "FG00001", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 50.20M, Discount = "5%", GSTCode = "SR-S" });
    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { ItemCode = "FG00001", Quantity = 1, GSTCode = "SR-S", Amount = 50.20M });

    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { Description = "Non-Stock Items" });
    //When AccNo & ItemCode both are not defined, system will retrieve from default Sale Account.
    //If default Sale Account is not maintained in Tools | Options, system will throw error on saving.
    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { Description = "Misc. Charges", GSTCode = "SR-S", Amount = 30 });
    newDoc.Details.Add(new SaleSalesOrderDetail() { Account = "500-0000", Description = "Transport", Amount = 50, GSTCode = "SR-S" });

    NewSaleSalesOrder(userSession, newDoc);
Non-Stock Item can either with or without ItemCode, it depends on the setting & preference of customer Account Book.

See Also

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