AR: How to refund Deposit in Multiple Date

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Revision as of 01:25, 16 November 2018 by LaySwan (talk | contribs)

Question: How to refund Deposit in Multiple Date?


1) Due to multiple refund date of refund deposit is not allowed in AutoCount, user will have to convert the deposit into AR Payment and create AR Refund to knock off the AR Payment.

i) Image below is the deposit received:

ii) Navigate to A/R > AR Receive Payment, convert the deposit into AR Payment as image below:

2) After transferred the deposit payment, now you can refund the deposit by multiple times and multiple date with following method:

Navigate to A/R > A/R Refund Entry and follow the following steps:

By: Kok Chun 180314, KM 180423, P180427

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