Cloud Payroll - Payroll Posting Plug-In (to OnPremise Accounting)
Question : How to do Payroll Posting Plug-In (to OnPremise Accounting)?
Answer :
Download and Install the Plug-In
1) Open your browser and go to this link
2) Login into the system.
3) From the main screen, click on the API Maintenance
4) Download the plug-in.
5) Launch AutoCount Accounting v1.9/v2.0 and login the account book which you wish to install this plug-in.
6) From the menu bar, go to Tools > Plugi-In Manager.
7) After opening Plug-In Manager, click on the Install button located on right hand side, system will prompt to select a file. Please browse from folder and open the .app file.
8) A new window will prompt with some basic information of this plug-in. Click the Install button again located at the bottom.
9) The installation will start and after a moment if the plug-in installed properly, a successfully installed message will appear and user just need to click OK to proceed.
10) After installation user will then be able to see an extra menu on AutoCount Accounting menu bar. User can now access to function or features related to this plug-in.
Functions & Features
After installing this plug-in, user first need to maintain the access right and setup the template before start posting the transaction into journal entry.
Template Maintenance
Go to Payroll Posting PlugIn → Inquiry Template Maintenance and Create a new Inquiry Template Maintenance.
A) Get API Key from Cloud Payroll System
B) Select the company at cloud payroll for this journal posting
C) Description at Journal
D) Description of the template
E) Select the Branch that need to be post in this journal if applicable
F) Select the project if applicable
G) Select the department if applicable
H) Assign the posting Acc No by the item
I) When posting, merge row with same AccNo, ProjNo and DeptNo or not
J) Load Account Mapping from another template if applicable
K) Save the template
By : Jessica 230210, Azirah 230213, P230213
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS
AutoCount On The Go
AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations