Line Editing:Row Discount
Allow you to set the discount for the selected item.
1.Select the item that you want to set discount.
2.Hit on Row Discount button.
3.Item Discount screen will show up.
Percentage: Calculate the discount by percentage. Amount: Calculate the discount by amount. Discount: Calculate the discount by percentage or by amount. Calculate Discount On Unit Price: Tick this option to calculate the discount base on the unit price instead of the item total. F1: To display the selected item’s cost. F2: To display the selected item’s minimum selling price.
4.Example of discount by Percentage. Key in the discount percent in Percentage field and then hit on OK button.
System will calculate the discount base on the percentage you keyed in.
5.Example of discount by Amount. Key in the discount amount in Amount field and then hit on OK button.
System will calculate the discount base on the amount you keyed in.
6.Example of Calculate Discount On Unit Price. Key in the discount you want to give, tick Calculate Discount On Unit Price option and then hit on OK button.
System will then calculate the discount amount base on unit price.
Result for no tick Calculate Discount On Unit Price. Formula: (Qty * Unit Price) - Discount
Result for tick Calculate Discount On Unit Price. Formula: Qty * (Unit Price – Discount)
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
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AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations