Others: Manage Account Book - What is 'Edit Account Book' for?

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Revision as of 08:45, 16 November 2018 by LaySwan (talk | contribs)

Question: What is function for Edit Account Book under Manage Account Book?


Edit Account Book is for you to edit and reselect the Server or account book to be attached.

It is time saving as you don’t have to reset configuration and attach all the account books again.


One of the Database is corrupted, and you have restored the account book into server.

However, your workstation still attached with the corrupted (previous) account book.

Now you may log in any of the account books (except the one you are going to edit) at Workstation PC, Go to

1. File > Manage Account Book; select the old corrupted database and click on Edit Account Book.

2. Click on Get Available Databases,

3. Select the restored database name to attach and click on OK.

4. Click on OK.

By: Lay Swan 180209, KM 180212, P180221

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