Payroll: Year To Date Entry vs Past Employment Entry

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Revision as of 02:17, 2 May 2018 by Keatmeng (talk | contribs)

Question: What is the difference between Year To Date Entry and Past Employment Entry?


Year To Date Entry

- If Actual Data start month is Oct of the year, you have to key in Jan – Sep payroll information at Year To Date Entry to make sure the income tax is calculated properly.

Past Employment Entry

- Is used to key in previous employment payroll information of newly joined employee. This is for tax computation (PCB) purpose.

- Example: If the employee joins in May, and he has worked for past 4 months with his previous company, you have to maintain his past payroll information for Jan - Apr at Past Employment Entry.

By: Lay Swan 180119, KM 180413, P190415

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