Pos3/5/FNB: Sync error Transaction IPHIST Member No.

Question :

I have a transaction can’t sync back to HQ account book. The error as shown below.

Error Message: MemberNo* Foreign Key Error (Constraint Name=FK_IPHIST_MemberNo)

(my sample SS-021496)*

Possible Reason :

User may already deleted or changed the member No. code. This action affected the system can’t update data inside IPHIST table.

Solution :

You will need to add back the deleted Member.

1a. On the POS Backend / Accounting > Bonus Point > Member Maintenance > New > must fill in same Member No. > fill up others info if have > OK

For the member which the member no had changed, you will have to change back to original member no.

1b. Tools > Change Code > Change Member No > click ‘+’ > select MemberNo > enter New MemberNo > Change > OK

2.Go to Point of Sale > Sync Monitor Status > Select correct Terminal ID > Resync Error Trans

By: CK 20240606, Jacky 20260626 [000500]

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