Pos:Join Table or Clear Join Table

From AutoCount Resource Center
Revision as of 10:15, 5 April 2018 by Jessica (talk | contribs)

Join Table

Allow you to join multiple table to 1 table. The bill will all goes to the original table.
E.g.: There are group of people that come in your shop, 1 table is not enough for them to be seated together, so you have to join 2 or more table for them.

1.Hit on Table button.

2.Select either one of the table that need to join.

3.Key in total number of pax and then hit on OK button.

4.Order foods as usual.

5.Go back to Table screen, hit on Join Table button.

6.Select the table you used to make order previously. Note: The selected table color will blinking.

7.Select the table needed to join. Note: The selected table border color will blinking.

8.Hit on Join Table button again.

9.Hit on OK button to confirm join table.

10.Join Table successful message will show up, hit on OK button.

11.The table color now will change to Join Table color. Note: Join Table color can be maintained in Table Design.

Clear Join Table

Allow you to unjoin the table that you joined previously.

1.Hit on Table button.

2.Hit on Clear Join Table button.

3.Select the table that you want to unjoin. Note: The selected table border color will blinking.

4.Hit on Clear Join Table button again.

5.Hit on OK button to confirm unjoin the selected table.

6.The selected table will become empty table now.

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