Troubleshooting: Login Message - This account book has been marked as “Old version”, do you still want to login

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: Why system will prompt out this message every time I login: "This account book has been marked as “Old version”, do you still want to login? What is this for?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Possible Reason:

You have restored an account book which the company name is the same as one of the existing account books on the same SQL Instance. And, during restoring process, you have clicked on Yes for the message prompted 'Would you like to mark current database as old version".

Thus, upon login the existing account book, the system prompted this message to alert you that you are about to login the older account book and not the newly restored account book (and they are both of the same company name).


To get rid of this message, login the account book (ignoring the message by click on Yes), go to Tools > Options > General > Miscellaneous; uncheck the option 'This is an old version account book'

Warning: by unchecking this option, the message will not be prompted again upon login, and you shall need to be very sure on which account book you login.

By: Mei 171006, KM 171009, P171020

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