AR: How to assign project no/ department to bank charge in Official Receipt or Payment Voucher

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: How can I assign project number to bank charge in Official Receipt or Payment Voucher?

Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0


To assign project number to bank charges in OR or PV, you need to drag out the column of 'Bank Charge Proj.No.' from Column Chooser (right click on any detail header, select column chooser and drag out Bank Charge Proj. NO.)

For example, in AR Receive Payment

System will display the Customization box after you have clicked on column chooser.

Drag out Bank Charge Proj. No and drop onto detail column header.

You may select project no for A/R Receive payment now.

Note: Same method applies in AP Payment, Receipt Voucher and Payment Voucher.

By: Lim Hui Yan 171207, KM 171212, P171229

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