AR: How to record postdated cheque?
Question: I have received a post-dated cheque from my debtor, how to record it ?
Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0
Go to A/R > A/R Receive Payment
Click on Create a new A/R Payment
Fill in all the info and set the date according to the date of postdated cheque. You may knock off the invoice now or later.
The postdated cheque will be shown in Debtor Statement report accordingly.
Go to A/R > Debtor Statement Report
Select the Date & Debtor, click on inquiry and preview the report.
Select report template and click on OK
The information for postdated cheque will be shown in report.
By: CK 171012, KM 171016, P171020
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
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