Accounting 2.0 - Prompted Message: Change Item Code error – Invalid column name ‘Key1’

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I try to change item code, error prompted: Invalid column name ‘Key1’. Why?

Version: 2.0

Possible Reason :

The database detected POS 3 is installed, the database is upgraded from version 1.9 to 2.0, but the POS table is not updated.

Solution :

Install POS 5 Backend and plugin app from Plug-In Manager.

After installed and re-login using POS 5.0 Backend, the POS table is updated, and you should be able to change item code successfully. If this account book no longer using POS module, you may uninstall the POS plug in from Plug-In Manager.

By: Zhi Xuan 210406, Lay Swan 210422, P210426

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