Accounting 2.0 - Prompted Message: Design Report error-There is an error in XML document (0,0)

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I click on design in report design, an error prompted “Error while creating thread from AutoCount.Report.ReportDesigner, AutoCount.UI, Version =, culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null. The error message is ‘There is an error in XML document (0, 0).’. Why?

Version: 2.0

Possible Reason:

UserDesigner file is corrupted, probably as a result of interruption during report resign and the computer shut down accidentally.


Go to path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Developer Express Inc, then delete the folder ‘XtraReports Suite’.

Re-login AutoCount and now you should be able to do report design.

By: Park Yao 230915, Lay Swan 230920, P230920

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