Accounting 2.0 - Prompted Message: Error during upgrade to 2.0-The object ‘DF TMCS IPho Recei XXXXXXXX’ is dependent on column ‘ReceiptHeader’

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When upgrade AutoCount Version 1.9 to Version 2.0 for user who use iAutoCount, error prompted “Invalid Data Defination Language Statement… The object ‘DF_TMCS_IPho_Recei_XXXXXXXX’ is dependent on column ‘ReceiptHeader’. Why?

Possible Reason:

The column ReceiptHeader & ReceiptFooter will affect the process when upgrade AutoCount Version 1.9 to AutoCount Version 2.0.


1) Go to SQL Management Studio and choose the selected database that need to upgrade from Version 1.9 to Version 2.0. Then expand the Database and expand the Tables.

2) Expand the table name ‘dbo.TMCS_iPhoneSetting’, then expand the Constraints. There were 2 constraints for DF_TCMS_IPhon_Recei_XXXXXXXX.

3) Select the first constraints name ‘DF_TCMS_IPhon_Recei_XXXXXXXX’, right click and select Script Constraint as > CREATE To > New Query Editor Window.

Continue to do the same step for the second constraints ‘DF_TMCS_Iphone_Receip_XXXXXXXX’.
Do not close that two new query editor windows for now, you will need to use it.

4) Right click on first the constraint and select Delete and repeat the same step for the second constraint.

5) Then, upgrade AutoCount version 1.9 to version 2.0.

6) After successfully upgraded, click on Execute for the two new query editor windows.

7) You may request from your software dealer (if needed) the version 2 iAutoCount plug in.

By: Cit Ta 220621, Lay Swan 220722, P220725

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