Accounting 2.0 - Sales: How to send email notification for Advanced Quotation

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : How to send email notification for Advanced Quotation to the approver requesting approval and return notification of the status update to the sales agent?

Answer :

In version, AutoCount has added this module Advanced Quotation. This function is designed to cater for companies that wish to follow more proper pre-sales workflow at Quotation level. The Flow consists of proper control on Open Quotation, Confirm, Pending, Approve or Reject and Success or Lost.

Together with Advanced Quotation, there is email notification to the approver requesting approval and return notification of the status update to the sales agent.

There are 3 things you must maintain before using the email notification function.

1) Sales Agent and Approver Email Address

Maintain the sales agent and approver email address in General Maintenance > Sales Agent Maintenance > tab ‘Others’.

2) Email Setting

Maintain your smtp server in General Maintenance > Sales Agent Maintenance > Email Setting.

Sample for Gmail Default SMTP Settings as below:

Outgoing mail SMTP Server :
Port : 587
Enable SSL : Check the checkbox
Use name & password to authenticate : Check the checkbox
User Name : Your Gmail address. (e.g. [email protected])
Password : Your Gmail password

Note : If you have your own SMTP Server, you need to configure it with your SMTP Server information.

3) Enable option ‘Allow send Advanced Quotation notification email to approver’ and ‘Allow send Advanced Quotation notification email to sales agent’

Go to Tools > Options > Invoicing > Customize Invoicing 2 , check the checkbox of ‘Allow send Advanced Quotation notification email to approver’ and ‘Allow send Advanced Quotation notification email to sales agent', then click on OK.

There are 3 scenarios where system will send email.

1) When Sales Agent has confirmed a Quotation (Open to Pending). Approver will receive email.

2) When Approver has approved the Quotation (Pending to Approved). Sales Agent will receive email.

3) When Approver has rejected the Quotation (Pending to Rejected). Sales Agent will receive email.

By : Ashikin 200416, Lay Swan 200421, P200422

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