Cloud Payroll - BIK : APPENDIX 2 - (c) Prescribed Value of Other Benefits

From AutoCount Resource Center

Title : APPENDIX 2 - (c) Prescribed Value of Other Benefits

APPENDIX 2 - (c) Prescribed Value of Other Benefits
Item Type of benefit Value of Bik per year
1 Telephone (including mobile phone) i. hardware – fully exempt for one unit for each asset category
ii. bills – fully exempt in respect of one unit per asset excluded in paragraph (i) above.
2 Recreational club membership a) individual membership – membership subscription paid or reimbursed by employer Tax treatment on the benefit received by the employee as follows;

i. entrance fee for club membership – taxed under paragraph 13(1)(a) of the ITA;
ii. Monthly/annual membership subscription fees for club membership - taxed under paragraph 13(1)(a) of the ITA;
iii. Term membership – taxed on the amount of payment made under paragraph 13(1)(a) of the ITA.

b) Corporate membership – Membership subscription paid by employer Tax treatment on the benefit received by the employee as follows -

i. Entrance fee - not taxable;
ii. Monthly/annual membership subscription fees for club membership - taxed on the prescribed value under paragraph 13(1)(b) of the ITA.

3 Gardener RM3,600 per gardener
4 Household servant RM4,800 per gardener

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