Cloud Payroll - Employee : Where to key in past employment entry
Question : I have a newly joined employee in the middle of the year (June). How to key in the past employment entry?
Answer 1:
You may key in at Employee Maintenance.
1) Go to Payroll > Employee > Employee Maintenance.
2) Select that employee and click on Edit icon. (Or click on Add New to add new employee.)
3) Go to Employment Detail , click on Previous Employment Entry.
4) The following table will be prompted, and you may key in the details for each month (or key in the accumulated amount at the right most column), then click on Apply .
Answer 2:
Or you may use Excel Import function.
1) Go to Tools > Option > Excel Import .
2) In the Excel Import, click on Templated, and choose Previous PRTrans to download the Excel template.
3) The template will be downloaded.
4) Open it and maintain the details forEmployee Code, Period, PCB Chargeable Amt (Total Remuneration), PCB Contributed, Employee EPF…etc and then Save the templates.
There are another two sheets for PRTaxExempt and PROptionalDeduction , you may input the details of tax exemption and optional deduction if applicable.
5) Again back to Tools > Option > Excel Import, in Upload page, click on Select File to browse your templates or you may drag and drop your file directly.
6) Click on Upload. The details from Excel template will be uploaded and displayed.
7) Before importing, you may check the details. To edit, Select the employee and click on Edit. If details are all correct, click on Import All.
8) Data Imported, to verify the data, go to to Employee > Employee Maintenance > Employment Detail, click on Previous Employment Entry to check.
Prepared by Aisyah 200221, Azirah 200311, P200313
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