Cloud Payroll - How to do Year End Process?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : How to do Year End Process?

Answer :

1. Go to Tools > Options > Payroll Closing.

2. Click on Add New.

3. Key in description, e.g. Year End 2022

4. Click on Next.

5. At Year End Summary, can view the detail of the payroll transaction. There is an option for Export as well if wish to export to excel.

6. Once done, then click Confirm & Save.

7. Please make sure all your data is correct. Then click Yes to continue.

8. Now you have completed Year End Process.

Once completed your year end process, you can preview/print EA form.

Prepared by ChenOng 210115, Azirah 210125, P210125
Update by Azirah 230308, P230320

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