Cloud Payroll - Maintenance : How to set all employees contribute to HRDF?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : We will contribute HRDF starting this month and we have done the setting in Company Profile. How to set all employees contribute to HRDF?

Answer :

1) Go to Payroll > Employee > Employee Maintenance..

2) Click on Batch Edit button.


   I.	Use the keyword: HRDF at the search field.
  II.	Click on the option button to select Pay HRDF
 III.	Check the checkbox to select all employees and check Pay HRDF
  IV.	Click on Update Selected Employees to update new changes to selected employees
   V.	Click on Save at the top right corner of the page to Save all settings. 

4) All employees should be updated to Pay HRDF.

5) Same steps apply to other function. E.g. pay EPF, Pay Socso and etc

Prepared by Aisyah 200921, Azirah 200921, P200928

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