Cloud Payroll - Reports : Can I insert watermark onto payslip

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : Can I insert watermark onto AutoCount Cloud Payroll payslip??

Answer :

Yes, watermark can be added onto payslip.

1. After preview the report, go to Design mode .

2) At the right panel, click on Appearance, then click on Watermark.

3) At Watermark section, you can find the option to upload Image.

4) To upload image, click on , then select your desired image file, and click on Open .

5) Click on Menu, and Save As (define a file name).

6) Then, you can view the report with watermark.

Note: You can amend the transparency of watermark as well in the designer.

Prepared by Azirah 190329

Updated by: Azirah 200311, P200313

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