Cloud Payroll - Subscription : How to move subscription to another email address (subscriber)?

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : How to move subscription to another email address (subscriber)?


1. Login and go to Profile Name > Subscriptions.


2. Make sure you are at the Subscription page and selected the correct subscription. Then click Manage.

3. After that click on Transfer Subscription.

4. Transfer Subscription option will be prompted, key in User email which is the new subscriber email. Read the notes provided, current subscription must have no outstanding payment, a confirmation email will be sent to the new subscriber and once confirmed the old email no longer have access to this subscription.


5. Once enter user email, click on the Transfer Subscription.


6. Key the subscription id in the box as mentioned, and click on Confirm Transfer.


7. Then a message will be prompted mentions that the request has been sent to the new subscriber for confirmation.


8. The new subscriber needs to click on Confirm Transfer or link provided in the email.

9. To confirm the transfer, another details of subscription is shown for approval. Make sure all details are correct, then only click on Approve button and Yes.



10. Finally, the subscriber will be receiving an email for completed subscription transfer.

Prepared by Azirah 230814, P230825

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