Cylinder Billing Troubleshooting: Create Rental Billing - 0 Sales Invoice Create Successful

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question: When I select debtor and click “Create Invoice”, it prompts a message “0 Sales Invoice Create Successful.” Why?

Possible Reason:

This is due to the Final Total = 0.
Final Qty = 0 or Final Charge = 0 will caused Final Total to become 0.


1) To avoid Qty = 0, check the range of document date filtering. You may have filtered date range earlier than consignment document’s MasterDate.
Or there was no consignment between the date range.
Please check your consignment MasterDate.

Found consignment MasterDate was in June 2023.
Filter 01/06/2023 - 30/06/2023 and inquiry again. Now Qty and Final Qty = 4.

2) Daily Charge = 0 could be the result of did not set Cylinder Charge at Stock Item’s UDF.

Edit stock item and go to User Defined Field tab to key in the Cylinder Charge.

Inquiry again Consignment Cylinder Rental Billing. Now Daily Charge show 1, and Final Charge = 1, and Final Total = 4. Now you can see the Can Post Inv? is auto checked, means that you will success to post the Invoice with amount.

If after maintained UDF Cylinder Charge, the Daily Charge still no appeared, check if you have set the formula (Setting > Formula Setting) using unit price instead of Cylinder Charge and your item price is 0 too.

Change it from Unit Price to UDF Charge and click on Save, then inquiry again and the Daily Charge should have figure.

Remark: If use Unit Price, it will get Price 1 from Stock Item.

You may select a debtor and click on Create Invoice, and 1 Sales Invoice will be created successful.

If Daily Charges = 0, you still can create Invoice without charges by enable “Post item without charges?”

Then Invoice will be in zero unit price and total is zero too.

By: Christine 230615, Lay Swan 230621, P230626

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