Filter By Salesman
Filter By Salesman
This module allows you to set control on sales agents so that they can only view their respective customers.
Go to Tools > Program Control > Module Setting
Check the checkbox of Filter By Salesman to enable it.
User Maintenance
Go to General Maintenance > User Maintenance
Highlight a user and click on Edit User
Click on Filter By Sales Agent
Click on Maintain Sales Agent
Check the checkbox(es) of Sales Agent whose customers transaction are allowed to be viewed/accessed by this User ID.
Click on Save, Save.
With this control, when user login using this User ID, he will only be able to view the bills generated by the related agent.
He, however can issue bill on behalf of other agents, but he will not be able to view it.
He can also issue bills to other agent's customer using his own agent code, but not able to view the price history of that customer by other agents.
To control sales/purchase agents rights to access other agent's customers, check the checkbox of Apply Filter by Agent in Lookup Editor at Tools > Options > General > Application Setting.
(Similar rule applies on Filter By Purchase Agent.)
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