GST: How to reset GST Processor

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question : I’ve accidently committed the GST Processor, and not able to delete it. What can I do now?

Version : 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0

Answer :

You may reset the latest GST Processor at AutoCount Management Studio.

You are adviced to do a backup before doing the reset.

1) Login into AutoCount Accounting Management Studio, go to Tools > Reset Latest GST Processor.

2) Key in your Admin Password and click on OK.

3. This message box will be shown, check on the reset period, and click on YES.

4. Reset GST Document, you can choose Cancel GST Document or Delete GST Document.

5. After successful, click on OK.

6. Now the GST Processor being reset.

By : Faridaa 180928, Lay Swan 181107, P181108

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