General - Decimals

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General > Decimals

Quantity Decimal: number of decimal places for Quantity.

Sales Unit Price Decimal: number of decimal places for Sales Unit Price.

Purchase Unit Price Decimal: number of decimal places for Purchase Unit Price.

Cost Decimal: number of decimal places for Cost.

Percentage Decimal: number of decimal places for Percentage.

Currency Decimal: number of decimal places for Currency.

Currency Rate Decimal: number of decimal places for Currency Rate.

Weight Decimal: number of decimal places for Weight.

Volume Decimal: number of decimal places for Volume.

Bonus Point Decimal: number of decimal places for Bonus Point.

Negative Currency Format: select the format for currency values in negative.

Display fixed size decimal: To show the fixed number decimal places

Use Banker Rounding when rounding number: this is a rounding method that round half to even, which means: 'If the fraction of y is 0.5, then q is the even integer nearest to y.' For example, +23.5 becomes +24, +22.5 becomes +22, -22.5 becomes -22, and -23.5 becomes -24. This method is also called unbiased rounding, convergent rounding, statistician's rounding, Dutch rounding, Gaussian rounding, or bankers' rounding.

Use Standard Rounding when rounding number: to use the standard rounding method.

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