Invoicing - Document Control
Invoicing > Document Control
Show Item Description 2 in Item Lookup Edit: to show Item Description 2 (means the second row of Item Description at Stock Item Maintenance) in Item Lookup Edit screen.
Show Quantity in Item Lookup Edit: to show the balance quantity in Item Lookup Edit screen.
Show Zero Balance Quantity Batch Number in Item Batch Lookup Edit: to show zero balance quantity when item batch equal zero.
Recall Last Quotation Validity, Delivery Term, Payment Term: applying on Quotation, the system will remember and display the value (from the last saved document) of the fields of Validity, Delivery Term and Payment Term.
Prompt if Balance Quantity Below Reorder Level: a message screen will be prompted for confirmation. The status in Yellow means the stock level reaches reorder level, Red means reaches minimum level, Black means negative stock level.
Automatic UOM Conversion: when Advance Multi UOM module is enabled, this option will auto convert the UOM (that has insufficient stock) from another UOM to meet the transaction requirement.
Use Lookup Edit To Input Item Code: by default the options is ticked, if it is unchecked, you may not able to select the item code during transaction.
Do not tab into More Header: check this if you do not wish to tab into more header section.
Allow Duplicate Your PO No.: check this if you allow duplicate PO number.
Calculate Unit Price from Sub Total: check this if you wish to calculate your unit price based on subtotal.
Check Minimum Sale Price Option: to use normal minimum sale price, average up-to-date-cost or standard cost
Update Item Cost Option: select whether to update the item cost (standard cost) or Real Cost from Purchase Invoice/Cash Purchase/Goods Received Note
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS
AutoCount On The Go
AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations