More Function:Close Counter

From AutoCount Resource Center

Allow you to do counter checkout for the POS terminal or cashier.

1.Hit on More Function button.

2.Hit on Close Counter button.

3.Close Counter Checkout screen will show up.

4.Select the Counter Checkout Type.

Checkout for Terminal: Select this to close the Terminal’s session. Usually do it after you had done your entire day’s business and before you close your shop. Checkout for Cashier: Select this to close the Cashier’s session. Usually do it when you are about to swap the cashier.

5.Key in the collected amount for each payment method.

6.Hit on Check & Save button that located on top-right hand side of this screen.

7.Record saved successfully message will show up, hit on OK button to continue.

8.Close Counter report will be print out.

9.System will display the System Amount, Variance Amount, Initial Cash Amount, Cash In and Cash Out Amount. Hit on Close button if everything goes right.

Collected Amount: The amount that you calculate and key in physically from your cash drawer / credit card machine. System Amount: System calculate the amount base on the every transaction you have done. Variance Amount: The variance between Collected Amount and System Amount. Initial Cash Amount: The open counter cash amount you keyed in during open counter. Cash In Amount: The cash amount that you deposit into cash drawer. Cash Out Amount: The cash amount that you withdraw from cash drawer.

10.If you wish to re-do the close counter operation, hit on Redo Close Counter button. System will clear the collected amount that you keyed in previously. Repeat Step 3 to Step 9 to proceed the close counter operation.

11.After you done the close counter operation, if you wish to check the transaction that occurred in this session, hit on Close Counter Document Summary button.

12.Close Counter Document Summary screen will show up.

13.Hit on Print Report to print out the Close Counter Document Summary report.

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AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
AutoCount Payroll
AutoCount POS

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AutoCount Accounting Plug-In Documentations