Others: How to change account code format?
Question: How to change account code format?
Version: 1.8 / 1.9 / 2.0
Go to Tools > Options > General > Account Code Format
Key in the Account Code Format using specific Characters.
The default code format is 'AAA-AAAA'. You may set your own Account Code format; you can even use free format. Should you change the format after creation of accounts, the earlier account codes will remain in previous format; to change the account code, go to Tools > Change Code > Change Account Number.
You may also set the Automatic Generate Debtor/Creditor Code Format: this is to set the format of auto-generated debtor/creditor code. The format of debtor/creditor code need not be the same as that of Account Code.
By: Peter@2013, P170928
AutoCount Accounting 1.8 / 1.9
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