Pos3/5/FNB: "No report found." When I preview report in POS

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

When I try to preview my Pos Session Report, it shows me the error “No Report found” Why?

Possible Reason :

POS Plugin may have some file corrupted during installation

Solution :

1. Reinstall AutoCount POS

2. Reinstall Pos Plugin from plugin manager at backend Tools > Plug-in Manager > Install

3. Select the AutoCount POS.app file and click Open. They can be found at:

For 64bit Operating System

POS 3.0/3.1: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoCount\POS

POS 5.0/F&B: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoCount\POS 5.0 Backend

For 32bit/x86 Operating System

POS 3.0/3.1: C:\Program Files\AutoCount\POS

POS 5.0/F&B: C:\Program Files\AutoCount\POS 5.0 Backend

4. Click Install

5. Click Yes

6. Click OK > Close > re-login system again > now you can preview

By: CK 20200323, Jacky 20200324 [000029]

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