Pos3/5/FNB: Can’t Override Discount Limit

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

When I am using AutoCount POS and want to give discount, the system will prompt me to key in supervisor password. Usually when I provide discount there is no supervisor password needed,

so I just key in my password and the system prompts me another warning – “ADMIN can’t override the discount limit”. What happened ?

Possible Reason :

Most probably, you are attempting to provide discount higher than the limit that you had set in your user group setting.

Solution :

POS 3.0/3.1:

Please login into your Backend Point of Sales > POS User Group Maintenance > Select the Group that your current user belongs to > Click Edit > Change the Maximum Discount.

Click “OK” once you’re done and you can now you should be able to provide the discount required at AutoCount POS.

POS 5.0/F&B:

Please login into your Backend Point of Sales > POS User Group Maintenance > Select the Group that your current user belongs to > Click Edit > Change the Maximum Discount.

Click “OK” once you’re done and you need go to Frond-end do sync.

After done sync and now you should be able to provide the discount required at AutoCount POS.

By: CK 20200223, Jacky 20200324 [000033]

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