Pos3/5/FNB: Cant sync back PosPayment VCType

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

I have an transaction can’t sync back to HQ account book. Show Error Trans encounter error as shown below.

Error Message: Doc No. Foreign Key Error (Constraint Name=FK_PosPayment_VCType)

Possible Reason :

Most probably user already remove or change the voucher ID

Solution :

1. We need check what VC type used on the transaction, click the ‘+’ > Pos Payment Relation tab > scroll bar to right hand side > find VC Type

2. If user already delete the existing voucher, user need go to Point of Sale menu > Maintenance > Voucher Maintenance

3. Click New add back same voucher ID > OK

4. If user already change the existing voucher code to others ID, now need go to Point of Sale menu > Change Code > Change Voucher ID

5. Click the ‘+’ > find new Voucher ID > fill in old voucher ID under ‘New Voucher ID’ column > OK > OK

6. Now you can select your Location > Resync Error Trans

By: CK 20240130, Jacky 20240229 [000191]

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