Pos3/5/FNB: Debtor not follow Debtor's price

From AutoCount Resource Center

Question :

I have set a Debtor multi pricing Price 2 for my Debtor. But why my Debtor is still showing Price 1 and not the Debtor's price that I set in POS Backend?

Possible Reason  :

You did not enable Use Member / Item Price Function in POS BACKEND

Solution :

1.Login POS BACKEND > Point Of Sales > Maintenance > POS Option Maintenance (Terminal Setting Maintenance)

2.Click the Edit Button to edit your Option ID

Go to Document Control > enable Use Member / Item Price

Then click OK to save then perform speed sync from your terminal.

Now your debtor is following debtor’s price.

By: SengHoong 20201202, Jacky 20210125, P210125 [000157]

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